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Altamont House In Patient Substance Abuse Treatment

1180 Berne-Knox Road
Altamont, NY - 12009

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Altamont House In Patient Substance Abuse Treatment is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Altamont House In Patient Substance Abuse Treatment

Altamont house is run by 820 River Street Inc, a non profit organization that helps with drug and alcohol treatment.

Also known as the Peter G Young Center, Altamont House is an inpatient rehabilitation facility for people with alcohol or substance abuse issues. The 28 day program is certified by OASAS for 30 beds, with a total building capacity of 96 beds. The program has provided chemical addiction treatment to hundreds of men and women over the past 15 years.

Altamont House was created to reduce crowding and/or unnecessary incarceration in county jails. It offers a short-term residential alternative to incarceration for offenders with multiple substance abuse problems, who would otherwise be sentenced to 30 days or more.

Participants receive rehabilitative counseling and life skills training in a wide variety of areas. Clients also benefit from referrals to other programs in PYHIT, such as Adult Education, Vocational Training, and Housing when their treatment is complete.

The large facility is fully outfitted with large kitchen facilities, recreation, segregated living wings for males and females, and daily transportation to other components of PYHIT.

Many clients are individuals who have experienced negative consequences related to their chemical use, such as an arrest for petty larceny, assault, domestic violence, burglary, DWI, etc. Our experience allows allows us to help motivate the client toward change. Altamont House has everything needed to provide complete treatment and aftercare planning for all. Our daily schedule provides individual and group counseling, educational groups, recreation, and a twelve-step meeting.

Altamont House is located in Altamont, NY on 110 acres nestled in the Helderberg Mountains, which provide an atmosphere of peace and  serenity. Complementing the environment, the Center includes health  facilities with an olympic-size gym and activities such as hiking,  basketball, and tennis. We believe that a guided program of physical  education, coupled with an understanding of the disease concept of addictions, can lead to improved health and a general feeling of well-being.


Altamont House In Patient Substance Abuse Treatment


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