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Home » Florida » Boynton Beach » Faith Farm Ministries Drug Treatment

Faith Farm Ministries Drug Treatment

9538 Highway 441
Boynton Beach, FL - 33472
(561) 737-2259

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Faith Farm Ministries Drug Treatment is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Faith Farm Ministries Drug Treatment

Faith Farm Ministries is a free, 9-month, faith-based addiction recovery program with residential services for more than 400 men and women who have lost control of their lives due to alcohol or illegal and pharmaceutical drug addictions. There are three locations on 1600 acres in Ft. Lauderdale, Boynton Beach, and Okeechobee, Florida.

Provides a safe place to sleep, three meals a day, classroom instruction, a work project, counseling and a faith-based perspective to life. Classroom instruction offers a GED program (if a diploma is needed) and help with job search and a resume after graduation.

Upon completion of the 9 months, participants can choose to stay and get advanced studies for one year in the SLS Program or they can go to "Omega Work", where they reside in Ft. Lauderdale for 6 months which allows them to work to accumulate enough money for an apartment rent and security deposit. Omega College works to get scholarships at local trade schools. Students reside at the Ft. Lauderdale Faith Farm campus while attending school. Either Omega Work or Omega College provides training on resume preparation, completing employment applications, interview skills, and job searches.

Costs: No costs.

Faith Farm Ministries Drug Treatment
Faith Farm Ministries Drug Treatment
Faith Farm Ministries Drug Treatment


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