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St. Matthew's House

2001 Airport Road S
Naples, FL - 34112

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St. Matthew's House is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About St. Matthew's House

Temporary housing in Collier County for families, single men, wingle women and women with children. Includes mandatory 90-day program for structured recovery from issues that led to homelessness. Residents must be clean and sober, pass random drug and breathalyzer tests, either be employed or actively looking for employment, pay program fees (rent) and do assigned chores.

Addiction Services; Clothing; Food; Homeless; Shelter; Substance Abuse; Thrift Stores;

Costs: Program fees for residents are $50/week.

St. Matthew's House is but a part of recovery, not a permanent place to live. Our goal is to prepare a person to leave St. Matthew's House and successfully return to society. We have a no-tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol.

When SMH residents enter our Structured Recovery Program, they subsequently submit themselves to our rules and regulations, which in turn lead to the self-respect that comes from accountability. They must be sober and make a commitment to very specific standards and rules, and have a willingness to begin the task of rebuilding their lives. Our program offers compassionate, disciplined counseling and guidance to each resident's physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges.

St. Matthew's House
St. Matthew's House
St. Matthew's House


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