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Montanari Residential Treatment Center

291 E. 2nd Street
Hialeah, FL - 33010
(305) 887-7543


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Montanari Residential Treatment Center is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Montanari Residential Treatment Center

The Center is a private psychiatric facility providing treatment for emotionally disturbed and intellectually limited children and adolescents. The Center is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) as a psychiatric facility for children and adolescents. Achievement of treatment objectives enables clients to step down to the least restrictive group-home program within the community setting of 45 homes. Populations served include: dual diagnosed, sex offenders, developmentally disabled, children, adolescents and young adults, major mental illness and personality disorders.

Montanari Residential Treatment Center
Montanari Residential Treatment Center


  1. 2018-01-04 11:47:02

    January 4th, 2017 - was seeking to inquire a any of my medical records from this school of sorts. I was not aware that it closed in 1995. That is until I found what may have been the widow of the owner back then. Speaking with her she informed me of its' closure and that the medical records were destroyed. I indicated of how I thought that to be funny, as I did assist him in loading his Cadillac with filing drawers loaded with student files. This was about one week before I was unceremoniously kicked out of this clinical school. Anyways, I would be applying for Disability, and where better to ask. Tho' I was there for only 14 months, rarely ever seeing a counselor. It took 12 months for me to find out why in my medical records why I was there. This place filing system was easy accessible ...

  2. 2018-01-27 02:56:21

    My daughter needs her Montanari records from 1964-1965. I paid big bucks for that school. She was diagnosed as autistic in early 1964 in Virginia by a psychologist and again in California in 1979.

  3. 2018-09-04 13:41:29

    I worked there in the early 70s. It was a money making mill for the owner. Lousy food, inexperienced mostly by a transient staff. I witnessed physical abuse on a daily basis and suspected a number of staff of pedophilia. When I raised the issue with other staff members I was quickly fired.

  4. 2018-10-04 19:12:37

    Does anyone know if there are still any medical records from this facility?

  5. 2018-12-27 08:32:17

    I lived there. Trying to find students who like me they put there and some staff that treated me nice. I live in Medfield Mass. I'm 63 I imagine the ones I knew are gone. Here are Carter - and so many more.

  6. 2019-01-20 22:12:57

    My life was hell. I was forced to fight. Lived in green house. I never saw a counselor. When I went there in 79 I was put on mellarill and that was that. I slept so deep I would wet the bed and my housemothers T and someone else i cant remember. Said next time you do that we are going to hang your sheets outside and tell everyone whose they are. I started in Tween went to Blair and then green. I ran away after while and got emancipated. That place was very abusive

  7. 2019-03-25 17:19:36

    I lived there from 1970 to 1976. I lived in, Green, Henley, Tween, Stamey, Nu, 125 & 166 houses. With the exception of one pedophile teacher I had a great childhood there. Rodney Gator was one of the best House Parents. Use to work in laundry with Elija & Bruce. :-)

  8. 2019-04-27 20:29:51

    Today , i thought about working there, one of the transient houseparents, it was a haven for the kids. I met some of today's leaders there.

  9. 2020-09-24 06:31:09

    I was there for 2 years 1972-1973 I lived in Green House at first then was sent to Pizano apts. After a year and a half i was sent to Tween House where I lived until I went home. I remember good guys, I wonder if they are still around...

  10. 2021-02-27 10:25:18

    The January 4th post is mine. It was recommended to my parents by Bill O. that I be placed somewhere special. All of the New Jersey facilities were lock-ups. So they chose the one in Florida. I was never in the Pisano Unit, except for a visit. Of which some fellow students were surprised to hear that the doors were not locked behind me. What was surprising that after years of asking, my parents informed me that it was Bill, a so call non-licensed psychologist that attended the same church as my parents ( St.Elias ) Who himself had a son that did something that I never did. That is, having the police held at bay whilst being barricaded in a house with a loaded weapon. And I was the problem child ?

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