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Allegany Rehabilitation Associates

4222 Bolivar Rd
Wellsville, NY - 14895

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Allegany Rehabilitation Associates is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Allegany Rehabilitation Associates

Allegany Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. or "ARA". ARA is a not-for profit corporation organized to provide psychiatric treatment, education, client management and housing, along with social and vocational rehabilitation of the mentally and physically handicapped, the elderly and the disadvantaged, and for the study and research thereof.

The corporation is authorized to own and operate outpatient programs certified by the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) and the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS). It seeks to fulfill its goals through the establishment of several types of treatment programs within rural counties of Southwestern New York.

To help individuals in Allegany County affected by mental illness and serious emotional disturbance to achieve their hopes, dreams and quality of life goals.  Services will be delivered in the least restrictive, non-stigmatizing, most accessible environment within a coordinated system of community and self-care, respectful of a person’s family and loved ones, language, culture, ethnicity, gender and sexual identity.

Allegany Rehabilitation Associates


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