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Home » Ohio » Cleveland » Oriana House - Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community Based Correctional Facility

Oriana House - Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community Based Correctional Facility

3540 Croton Avenue
Cleveland, OH - 44115
(216) 698-3100

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Oriana House - Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community Based Correctional Facility is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Oriana House - Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community Based Correctional Facility

Oriana House began as an independent, non-profit community corrections agency in 1981 with a primary focus of helping the criminal justice system deal with driving-while-intoxicated offenders. Today, Oriana House encompasses more than 25 programs that provide a sanction while assisting offenders in developing the skills they need to become productive members of the community.

To provide a local alternative to a prison sentence for non-dangerous persons who have the potential to be rehabilitated through local sanctions, treatment, work, and education.

The Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community Based Correctional Facility (CBCF) in Cuyahoga County is a highly structured and secured community corrections program designed to reduce criminal behavior and divert eligible males convicted of a felony from the state prison system. Programming includes substance abuse treatment, job training and placement assistance, educational services, cognitive skills, and a required completion of community service.

The CBCF program strives to teach offenders the skills they are lacking in order to function appropriately and productively in the community.

Oriana House - Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community Based Correctional Facility
Oriana House - Judge Nancy R. McDonnell Community Based Correctional Facility


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