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Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center Jacksonville

10900 Beach Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL - 32246
(904) 641-2122


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Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center Jacksonville is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center Jacksonville

he Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center's Adult Rehabilitation Program is for men betweeen the ages of 21 and 65. Alcohol and/or drugs are normally the man's primary addictions, but are not required for admission to the program. Each man is pre-screened for suitability to the program. The program primarily serves Northeast and North Central Florida, but applicants are accepted from any area and must provide their own transportation to the center.

The center has 125 beds and stays at full capacity at all times. Admission is by waiting list. The average wait can be two weeks. Men must be pre-screened by phone to be placed on the waiting list and they must stay in contact with the intake office until their bed is available.

To most men entering the program there is no fee. However, men receiving monthly incomes are charged room and board on a sliding scale up to $400.00 per month. There is a 40 hour per week work therapy component, so men entering the program must be in good enough health to perform a work task assigned to them.

The program provides a Christian Spiritual perspective in conjunction with Celebrate Recovery, NA and AA. Each man receives group and individal counseling, recovery and relapse prevention classes, transportation to outside Celebrate Recovery, AA and NA meetings, and opportunities for personal and group recreation.

Costs: Up to $400 per month. Contact for details.

Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center Jacksonville
Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center Jacksonville


  1. 2018-09-01 18:08:04

    My son is in recovery here. Our family dynamics have been all but dissolved. Drug addiction doesn’t just affect the addict. I’m so grateful to know that he seems to be attempting to get his life back on track. Just want to say ‘thank you.’

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