Latest Additions
Neurobehavioral Associates, Inc.
Mansfield, OH - 44906
(419) 529-9944
Wilford Hall Medical Center
Lackland A.F.B., TX - 78236
(210) 292-7412
The Salvation Army ARC (Adult Rehabilitation Center)
San Antonio, TX - 78204
(210) 223-6877

Programs by state
- Alabama (55)
- Arkansas (20)
- Arizona (49)
- California (132)
- Colorado (34)
- Connecticut (24)
- District of Columbia (11)
- Delaware (12)
- Florida (254)
- Georgia (429)
- Hawaii (13)
- Iowa (185)
- Idaho (25)
- Illinois (65)
- Indiana (49)
- Kentucky (29)
- Louisiana (55)
- Massachusetts (7)
- Maryland (14)
- Maine (1)
- Michigan (1)
- Minnesota (1)
- Missouri (17)
- Montana (6)
- North Carolina (7)
- North Dakota (11)
- Nebraska (121)
- New Hampshire (3)
- New Jersey (76)
- Nevada (2)
- New York (58)
- Ohio (84)
- Pennsylvania (11)
- Rhode Island (7)
- South Carolina (3)
- South Dakota (1)
- Tennessee (8)
- Texas (134)
- Virginia (9)
- Vermont (5)
- Washington (1)
- Wisconsin (1)
- West Virginia (15)

Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers
Overall when you are in need you always do not have the money to afford a treatment center.
Detox Centers
We try to find the most affordable treatment for you for addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, etc.
Addiction Centers
A common theme to our website is listings of Non Profit Addiction Treatment Centers.
Free or low-cost
Since they are non profit, their goal is to provide services at the lowest cost if they charge anything at all.