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Home » Illinois » Berwyn » Berwyn Township, Public Health District

Berwyn Township, Public Health District

6600 W 26th St
Berwyn, IL - 60402
(708) 788-6600

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Berwyn Township, Public Health District is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Berwyn Township, Public Health District

Provides services to Berwyn residents. Offers information about human service resources in the community to links people who need assistance with the most appropriate provider. Offers advice and guidance to help people with assessment questions, assessment appeals, Homeowner Exemption, and other issues relating to property taxes. Also assists with Circuit Breaker applications, KidCare and Access to Care applications.PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENTOffers preventative services, health education, and referrals to Berwyn Township residents. Provides well baby care an toddler care and operates an immunization clinic for infant through adults. Provides pneumonia and flu shots, and screenings for vision, hearing, cholesterol, diabetes, lead, blood pressure, and others. Offers monthly education and prevention programming. Also operates the office of vital records, maintain materials documenting births and deaths in the Township.Serves as an All Kids and Access to Care Intake registration site.
Mission Statement: The Township Officials of Illinois (TOI), organized in 1907, serves as a resource center for state and federal legislative agencies, as well as its member townships. The organization's attention to and involvement with the legislative process enables it to exert influence on behalf of its member units, as well as to report to them on decisions which affect their functioning. In addition to offering information and guidance, TOI promotes and supports strong township government in the State of Illinois. To that end, it offers a series of continuing education programs designed to provide a sense of responsibility, assurance, dedication, and unity. TOI recognizes that offering service benefiting the citizens and taxpayers of Illinois requires the representation of diverse constituencies. Its Board of Directors is structured to accommodate that purpose, as are its respective divisions. The organizations provides leadership for the continuation and effectiveness of strong grassroots government in the state. Through education, dedication, and unity, TOI has achieved and surpassed the goals of its founders and is poised to provide leadership for grassroots government into the 22nd Century.


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