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Hope House Addiction Recovery Center

275 Grove Road
Richmond, IN - 47375
(765) 935-3000

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Hope House Addiction Recovery Center is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Hope House Addiction Recovery Center

Developed through local collaboration among many organizations and individuals, HOPE HOUSE offers:

    * emergency shelter to homeless men, many with addiction problems;
    * a residential, mutual-help alcohol and drug recovery program;
    * and other services aiding addicted individuals in transforming their lives and re-entering the community as constructive and productive members.


The emergency shelter for homeless men is both a life-saving service and a point of attraction for the recovery program. It provides overnight shelter, an evening and morning meal, and other services. A motivational tract for those desiring to free themselves from addiction includes a 12-step-based educational program called Recovery Dynamics, and an opportunity to serve others receiving emergency shelter.


    * enhanced 12-step program with required attendance at AA/NA meetings
    * 4-7 months in residence
    * expanded drug education opportunities
    * open door to the healing work of the recovery community
    * increased access to services from healthcare to employment services through case management approaches

Those in the recovery program provide volunteer help with program operations, taking responsibility for meal serving and cleanup, laundry, security, and other functions - all aspects of the mutual-help approach. Graduates provide volunteer leadership for the educational components and other services. Graduates also have access to "tune-up" services to keep them on the road of recovery.

Hope House Addiction Recovery Center


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