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West Bergen Mental Healthcare Substance Abuse Treatment

120 Chestnut Street
Ridgewood, NJ - 07450

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West Bergen Mental Healthcare Substance Abuse Treatment is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About West Bergen Mental Healthcare Substance Abuse Treatment

Low cost provider of substance abuse treatment.

Services include:

Anger Management Program
West Bergen provides anger management services to individuals through a group therapy setting for both children and adults. Goals include self-regulation, dealing with criticism, anger control, and peer control.

Anxiety Disorders Program
A specialized, short term program designed to alleviate the symptoms of clients who experience a variety of anxiety disorders. West Bergen’s team of highly skilled therapists utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help clients master current difficulties and to develop greater coping skills for the future.

Asperger’s-Related Services
West Bergen’s Asperger’s Services offers a broad range of highly specialized programs for children, adolescents, and adults with Asperger’s -related symptoms. Services include Therapeutic Social Skills Groups, Comprehensive Evaluations, and Individual and Family Treatment.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Program
Specialized program for children and adolescents with ADHD addresses problems in school functioning, social skills and family relationships. Goals of the program include building problem solving skills, improving impulse control and enhancement of individual competency.

Depression Intervention Program
Services for treatment of depression and related mood disorders are available for children and adults. In addition, West Bergen is designated as a Center of Excellence by Columbia University for the successful completion of advanced training in the areas of depression and behavior disorders for children.

Developmental Social Skills Program
Children experiencing mild to moderate difficulties with social skills are helped to develop interpersonal and coping skills in a supportive group environment. Each group is designed to teach, model, reinforce and help children to internalize essential and appropriate social skills. Consultation and evaluation are available for parents.

Divorce Program
This program is designed to help parents and children understand and manage the emotional and behavioral responses to divorce. The program is appropriate for families in any stage of divorce; newly separated, in process of divorcing, recently or many years post divorce.

Employee Assistance Program
West Bergen’s Employee Assistance Program provides assessment, referrals and short-term, problem focused treatment to individuals who may be experiencing personal problems that begin to affect job performance. West Bergen contracts with local municipalities to provide this service.

Family and Individual Services
West Bergen's Center for Children and Youth provides individual and family therapy designed to address clients' concerns and problems, as well as to strengthen overall functioning. Our therapists are well trained in family systems, psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and interpersonal therapeutic techniques.

Individual, Group and Couples Counseling
The West Bergen Counseling Group offers individual and group therapy designed to promote personal growth, address concerns and improve each individual’s sense of well being. In addition, our highly trained clinical staff is also available to assist couples in understanding and resolving their relational issues.


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